We research for

Brain Network

Identify brain pathology and predict prognosis through neural network analysis

Shape-based Cortical & Sub-cortical Analysis

Applying shape analysis to analyze latent features of structures, we propose disease classification, image segmentation, and prognostic model

Brain Diseases Diagnosis using Deep Learning

We build a disease identification model using deep learning on the data organized through image analysis

We love the art of insight.

Group at Korea University aims at the research in quantitative neuroimaging and neuroimage-based analysis by employing computational technologies


We focus on our skills.

We  are focused on developing clinically meaningful conclusions by developing our own algorithms and various techniques.


We are waiting for newly motivated students

E-mail : cpgjk12 at gmail.com

Address : 453 B-dong Hana-Science Building, 145 Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul